Nassau County has announced that there will be TWO public hearings on proposed ordinance 2024-15 designating Shadow Woods Lane in Unincorporated Nassau County as a Canopy/scenic road.
Tuesday July 16, 2024 at 6:00pm Planning and Zoning Board
Monday, July 22, 2024 at 5:00pm Board of County Commissioners
Both will be held at the James S. Page Governmental Complex, 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee.
ATC supports this ordinance and all measures that protect the tree canopy on Amelia Island. We encourage people to attend the public hearings and send emails to the Commissioners and the Planning and Zoning Board expressing their support of the ordinance.
Planning & Zoning Board
The Nassau County “Canopy/scenic road” ordinance was first passed in 2001.
Canopy roads on Amelia island include Buccaneer Trail, Gerbing Road, Suarez Bluff, Manucy Road, Scott Road, Karen Street, Anthony Street, Orange Avenue, and Amelia Island Parkway.
The full section of the Municipal Code is Section 37.08- Canopy/scenic roads
Protected Canopy Roads in Nassau County:
The board of county commissioners may designate roads or portion of said roads as scenic/canopy roads based on the historic, scenic, and ecological significance that they hold. Once designated, restrictions are implemented to limit or prohibit alterations including the removal of trees within the right-of-way, except as set forth in section 37.08 LDC.
The protections afforded by this designation as a canopy road are as follows:
The county shall not widen or increase the number of lanes on any of the county roads designated as scenic/canopy roads.
Outdoor advertising signs shall be prohibited, except signs advertising residential developments or homes for sale or parcels of property immediately adjacent to the road or subdivision and entryway signs constructed in accordance with the county sign ordinance. On-premises commercial signs, excluding billboards, shall be allowed.
The erection of markers or signage indicating that the road is a scenic/canopy road or historic road shall only be accomplished at the direction of the growth management coordinator or his/her designee with the consent of the board of county commissioners.
Setting and posting of speed limits and warning of restricted roadway shoulders.
Setting of classes of vehicular travel, including weight and height limitations.
Limiting access and width of access.
Tree protection. No trees, except as identified in Florida's Most Invasive Species List, Category I, which have attained a diameter of eight (8) inches or more at a point four and one-half (4½) feet above average ground level within the zone shall be removed, except as provided in section 37.08, and trees shall be identified as set forth in section 37.08.
In addition to the County's Canopy/scenic road ordinance, the trees on Amelia Island are protected through:
Heritage Tree Program of the City of Fernandina Beach which designates a native tree as irreplaceable due to its age, size, cultural, aesthetic, or historic significance. (see note)
Tree ordinances which aim to minimize loss of trees to development within the unincorporated areas of Amelia Island and the City of Fernandina Beach
Note: Amelia Tree Conservancy is urging Nassau County to mirror the City's Heritage Tree Program.