Amelia Tree Conservancy invited the community to a tree planting honoring Chip and Faith Ross to show appreciation for all they have done for the citizens of Fernandina Beach.

At the dedication, ATC President Lyn Pannone thanked the couple, saying, “We have always known that we could count on you to advocate for our island’s trees. In fact, both you and Faith became a voice for preserving our island’s ecosystem. As you both served on committees and commissions, the community could count on you to ask probing and thoughtful questions. Often you were the only vote of dissent or consent in an opposing view. That takes courage, and most importantly, integrity. Your voices, your courage and determination to actively work for this community is appreciated by your neighbors, your friends and, of course, Amelia Tree Conservancy.”
Read the full article published on the front page of the October 30, 2024 issue of the News Leader.
Chip served two terms as a City Commissioner championing the cause of conservation among other city issues. He endeavored to “protect the canopy that protects us” (ATC’s motto) and for that we thank him.
Faith served on City Boards: Parks and Recreation and the Board of Adjustment. She was instrumental in initiating air quality monitoring and personally acquired the needed equipment herself. Faith also monitored the water quality of our river and ocean by collecting samples for testing.
Both Chip and Faith Ross have contributed, not only their voices and time to organizations here on the island, they have also donated funds to many worthy causes.